Well, so far so good. I haven't cried since Sunday. Honest! I haven't. And I think that's a pretty big accomplishment! Dillon and I talk on the phone every night before we go to bed, and of course we text on occasion. Usually he's so busy with work though I typically don't hear from him until closer to 8 pm. Which is okay, because it teaches me patience. And Heaven knows I could use some of that.
Update on Dill:
He is still working on finding a place to stay in Ashton, but last night he was filling out an application for a cheap apartment that he was able to fine. Praying that it works out for him. He has been so stressed, and a girl can only comfort so much over the phone.
So at this point, he gets up at 4 am in order to leave Idaho Falls by 5 am, to make it to the safety meeting at 630 am. This morning he was dragging, but low and behold he got his cup o' joe and all was well. The rest of the day is pretty much a mystery to me. He tells me that they do something different every day. One day he was looking at specs and something to do with concrete, the other he was calling distributors and suppliers. He said he's the youngest one there, the next closest in age being around 30. He's also the only intern, so he's making sure to soak up as much information and expertise as he can.
All in all he's loving it. I sure do miss him here in Boise though. He texted me a picture today and told me they were "baby moosen" (moose). I'm pretty sure he made that word up, and I love him all the same <3
As for Bourbon & I:
We have been going on a nightly run, as well as hitting up the dog park. B has decided that he rather enjoys the water and has learned to toss his own tennis ball into the water and fetch it. Yesterday though we had the unfortunate mishap of sinking a tennis ball. Don't ask me how it happened because I don't know. We also managed to sink a frisbee. It floated at first, but sunk real quick and I was NOT about to jump in the lake and get it. (Sidenote: Bourbon refuses to actually swim, he will only go neck deep, hence why the frisbee was lost. I tried to get him to jump in the deep part and he just wasn't having it.)
I've been trying to stay busy with work and exercise. Speaking of which, does anyone have any workouts that they just love that I could try? I love running, cycling, lifting weights, etc. I just need some new ideas to switch it up a little every now and then.
I'm also volunteering again at the Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. I really love it. I'm hoping for an internship this fall as well.
Anyway, here's to Day 3! We're doing it!